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    Bean, Runner/Pole - Prizewinner

    From $199 USD
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    The Prizewinner Runner Pole Bean produces a blue-ribbon show of crimson blossoms that transform into succulent, flavorful foot-long pods with speckled purple-red beans inside. Pick young for snap beans and mature for shell beans, or give them more time on stage and use them dried. A prolific producer that will win first, second, and third prize in your garden.
    • Easy to grow
    • High yields
    • Long pods up to 12"
    • Eat fresh, shelled, or dried


    • Botanical name: Phaseolus coccineus
    • Depth to plant seeds: 1" deep
    • Spacing between plants: 5" apart
    • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
    • Days to germinate (sprout): 8-14 days
    • Germination soil temps: 70F-85F
    • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
    • Sun needs: Full sun
    • Frost hardy: No
    • Planting season: Spring, summer
    • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 4 plants per sq. ft.
    • Days to maturity: 80-115 days

    Click here to view our full Bean grow guide.

    Good companion plants: Cucumber, Pea, Rosemary, Thyme, Tomato

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    Cucumber - Cucamelon, West Indian Burr Gherkin

    From $499 USD
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    • Also known as: known as Cackrey, Maroon Cucumber, West Indian Gherkin, and West Indian Gourd.

    • Incredibly small, cucumber-shaped fruits.

    • The surface of these tiny fruits are covered with spine-like warts, while the flesh is pale green.

    • Easy to grow for everyone, sells great at farmers markets!

      • Can be cooked or eaten raw. The flavor is similar to that of other more traditional cucumbers. 

      • Days to Maturity | 55 - 65 days

        Click Here For Our Complete Cucumber Grow Guide


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        Pepper (Hot) - Tepin 🔥🔥🔥

        From $399 USD
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        The Tepin Pepper is a tiny treat with a lot of heat. Compact, vigorous plants produce lots of juicy, pea-sized fruits that are hot enough to make a cookie crumble. This is a perennial bush in warmer locations, so if it survives the winter, it will grow back bigger and more productive. Use it to heat up anything from honey to menudo to ice cream.

        • High yields
        • Perennial
        • Slow to germinate
        • Good for containers


        • Botanical name: Capsicum annuum 
        • Pepper size: 1/4"-1/2"
        • Scoville heat units (SHU): 50,000-100,000/hot
        • Plant support: Tomato cage or stake
        • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
        • Spacing between plants: 24"-36" apart
        • Spacing between rows: 36"-48" apart
        • Days to germinate (sprout): 28-70 days
        • Germination soil temps: 75F-85F
        • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
        • Sun needs: Full sun
        • Frost hardy: Yes
        • Planting season: Spring, summer
        • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
        • Days to maturity: 120-200 days

        Good companion plants: Basil, Carrot, Cucumber, Eggplant, Okra, Rosemary, Sage, Squash, Tomato

        • These Tepin pepper seeds will produces tons of of ¼"  pea-sized hot peppers.
        • Extremely hot.  Handle with care
        • They will turn from green -> to orange -> to red as they continue to mature
        • Some claim this variety to be one of the Hottest Pepper in the World
        • It can sometimes take the seeds about 4-10 weeks to germinate - so patience is a virtue with these babies but definitely worth it in the end
        • Plant height is approximately 2' - 3'
        • Highest germination rates occur during the warmer months - around at 80 F or higher
        • Grows extremely well in small to medium sized containers
        • If you like hot peppers then this variety is a definite must have
        All Peppers ⟐ Hot Peppers   📚 Hot Peppers Grow Guide
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        Nasturtium - Peach Melba Flowers

        From $399 USD
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        This variety produces cream-like, yellow petals with splashes of darker red in the center. Compact in size with deep blue/green foliage. 

        • Nasturtium flowers are one of the most popular edible flowers grown in home gardens. The petals have a slight peppery taste, and the seeds and leaves are also edible! You can even use the seeds as an alternative to capers.
        • Not only are the flowers pretty, Nasturtiums are great companion plants! They are also known to deter aphids, whiteflies, cucumber beetles & more. Learn more >
        • Nasturtiums should be planted in the spring for a "summer show". Plant in full sun, and in sandy, well drained soil. Generally, the poorer the soil quality, the more flowers the plant will produce! Deadhead your plants regularly to encourage new blooms, all season long. These flowers will self-seed resulting in more flowers for years to come!
        • These are PERFECT for beginner gardeners! These annuals are very easy to grow from seed and can be grown just about anywhere, even places that are susceptible to drought.
        • The bright flower petals will liven up any garden, with very little effort! They are also GREAT for planting in hanging baskets or containers.
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        Squash (Winter) - Hubbard, Golden

        From $299 USD
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        Page 810cccb9 6aa4 4ae3 8191 7f42cc8954dd grandeSquash (Winter), Hubbard Golden (100% Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO)

        • The Golden Hubbard squash is popular 10 lb orange squash with tan stripes.

          - Grows as a vine (not as a bush)

          - Golden colored flesh

          - Very sweet and full of flavor - perfect for pies and canning

          - Ideal for any sized garden
          and easy to grow
        • Day to Maturity | 100 days
        • Best Months to Plant  |  [March - June]  Winter squash love the sun and can't get enough of it. They need about 3 months of warm temperature and one additional month of cooler temps to fully mature.


        Additional Details

        Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).

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        Wildflowers - Fragrant Flower Scatter Garden Seed Mix

        From $499 USD
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        Includes a mix of 18 popular fragrant flower varieties and colors. Scatter this mix of seeds in your garden and enjoy the most fragrant flower assortment you've ever smelt.

        Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

        - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

        - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

        - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

        - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

        This mix includes all of the following seed varieties:



        Centaurea cyanus


        Cheiranthus allionii

        Siberian Wallflower

        Cynoglossum amabile

        Chinese Forget Me Not

        Dianthus barbatus

        Sweet William

        Gilia tricolor

        Bird's Eyes

        Iberis umbelleta


        Lathyrus odoratus

        Sweet Pea

        Lavender Vera


        Lobularia maritima

        Sweet Alyssum

        Matthiola bicornis

        Evening Scented Stock

        Mirabilis jalapa

        Four O' Clock

        Monarda punctata

        Spotted Bee Balm

        Nicotiana affinis

        Tabacco mix

        Oenothera lamarkiana

        Evening Primrose

        Reseda ordorata


        Tagetes patula

        Marigold Sparky

        Tropaeulum majus


        Viola cornuta

        Helen Mount

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        Wildflowers - Righteous Red Scatter Garden Seed Mix

        From $499 USD
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        Includes a mix of 10 of the most vibrant and beautiful red colored flower varieties. Scatter this mix in your garden and enjoy a beautiful assortment of red flowers!


        Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

        - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

        - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

        - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

        - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

        This mix includes all of the following seed varieties:



        Centaurea cyanus

        Cornflower Tall Red

        Eschscholzia californica


        Linum rubrum

        Scarlet Flax

        Lychinis chalcedonica

        Maltese Cross

        Papaver rhoeas

        Red Corn Poppy

        Papaver rhoeas

        Shirley Single Mix

        Phlox drummondii

        Annual Red

        Tagetes erecta

        French Marigold

        Trifolium incarnatum

        Crimson Clover

        Zinnia elegens

        Zinnia Red

        Image source

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        Wildflowers - Coneflower Scatter Garden Seed Mix

        From $499 USD
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        Includes a mixture of 6 popular coneflower varieties. Scatter this mix in your garden and enjoy a beautiful assortment of coneflowers!

        Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

        - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

        - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

        - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

        - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

        This mix includes all of the following seed varieties:



        Echinacea purpurea

        Purple Coneflower

        Echinacea palladia

        Pale Purple Coneflower

        Rudbeckia amplexicaulis

        Clasping Coneflower

        Ratibida columnifera

        Red Mexican Hat

        Ratibida columnifera

        Yellow Prairie Coneflower

        Ratibida pinnata

        Greyheaded Coneflower

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        Sprouts/Microgreens - Bean, Mung

        From $299 USD
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        These delicious sprouts are popular and common as an integral part of Asian cuisine. Mung bean sprouts are quite thick and are crunchy with a nutty taste – mild and fresh. These can be served with salads, sprinkled as crunchy toppings, used in stir-fry, or simply enjoyed by themselves.

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        All-in-One Pepper Garden Variety Pack

        $3999 USD
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        All-in-One Hot & Sweet Pepper Variety Pack includes an assortment of our most popular varieties. Seeds are all individually packaged.  Packaged with zip-lock bag system for long-term storage and maximum seed protection. 

        Includes all of the following varieties:

        1. Anaheim Chili

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The Anaheim Chili Pepper is really quite mild. About one kick up from a bell pepper. This California native is called Hatch when grown in New Mexico and Seco del Norte when dried. Loads of long 6"-10" tapered peppers ripen from grassy green to forest to smoky red. Thick-skinned and fleshy, tangy and sweet, tasty when fresh or cooked into meat. Try chiles rellenos or corn chowder, or make it Seco and grind into powder.

        2. Ancho Grande

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The Ancho Grande Pepper is named for its size—ancho is wide, grande is big. That’s when it’s dark red. While it’s still dark green, it’s called Poblano, which is named for a town in Mexico. And when it matures fully to dark brown, the name is Mulato. Vigorous, leafy plants produce grande amounts of tapered heart-shaped 4"-8" fruit with a mellow, smoky flavor and a little bit of heat. This fleshy, thick-skinned pepper is traditionally used for chiles rellenos and mole sauce, but you can probably think of a few more uses while you’re studying for the quiz about its name.

        3. Pretty Purpl5

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The Big Jim Pepper is the world’s largest pepper variety, with a fruit that can grow to 14" or longer. Typically in the 6"-10" range, these wide, tapered summer icicles grow on compact plants and ripen from lime green to smoky crimson. Sweet and flavorful with a pleasurable crackle of heat. When roasted or grilled, the thick skin slips off easily, leaving tender, juicy, meaty flesh. If you do grow a Jim that needs a tape measure, fill one full of ham and havarti or crab and cream cheese, and feed your entire family plus a neighbor kid.

        4. California Wonder Bell Pepper

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The California Wonder Pepper is so easy-going, it doesn’t mind if you call it Cal Wonder. Sturdy plants produce lots of smooth, blocky 3"-4" fruits with mostly four lobes and thick skin that ripen from peace, man green ✌️ to groovy orange to right-on red. Juicy and crunchy with sweet, mild flavor, and no heat. Eat fresh or stuff with chicken and avocado for a wonderful easy lunch.

        5. Cayenne Long Thin Red

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The Red Cayenne Pepper will put a hop, a skip, and a kick in your step. Slender, glossy 5"-6" fruits grow abundantly on strong plants, bounding through all the primary colors as it matures from green to yellow to orange to red. Primarily used as a dried spice, but can be used fresh to rev up a salsa or to make pickling brine howl.

        6. Caloro, Yellow Jalapeno

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The Caloro Pepper is a gilded name for the Yellow Jalapeño Pepper. If you grow these, it will help to have two things: lots of friends and lots of bags, because you are going to have lots of these hot peppers to share. This prolific plant produces 2"-3" tapered fruits continuously, all summer long, maturing from yellow to orange to red. Continuously. Yellow, orange, red. All summer long. Yellow, orange, red. Thick-skinned, sweet, and crunchy with a heat that’s milder than a Green Jalapeño, but still quite spicy. Yellow, orange, red. Continuously, all summer long.

        7. Classic Green Jalapeno

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • We’re not sure if the Jalapeño Pepper knows it, but this stocky little spark plug is one of the most famous and popular hot peppers in the world. At 7,500 SHUs, it sits at the lower end of the Scoville heat scale, which is hot enough to ignite your tongue, but not so hot you won’t take another bite. Prolific yields ensure a steady harvest of 3" glossy fruits that ripen from dark green to fiery red. In some countries, if it’s not illegal to make salsa with any other pepper, it’s at least frowned upon. Best not chance it.

        8. Habenero - Red Caribbean

        • The sweet, citrusy flavor, tropical fragrance, and lush green foliage of the Red Caribbean Habanero will remind you of a beach vacation. And so will the searing heat! Produces loads of small 1"-2" wrinkled fruits that twinkle in colors ranging from key lime green to sunrise yellow to sunset orange to sunburn red. Use it to make some haba-haba salsa, broiled halibut with charred pepper cream sauce, or spicy pineapple ice cream.

        9. Banana

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • Yellow, yellow, bo bellow, banana fana fo fellow…. The Yellow Banana Pepper is one of the mildest and most popular sweet peppers in America. When young, it is pale yellow, crunchy, sweet, and me my mo mellow enough for a youngster to eat. As it ripens from orange to red, it becomes softer and sweeter. Flavorful at any stage of growth, so pick one when you want one. Especially good pickled, but save a few to stuff or stir fry. Yell-ow!

        10. Red Hot Cherry

        • Appx. 15 seeds
        • A Red Cherry type variety that grows into a bushy plant up to 3 feet tall. Higher heat levels than other Hot Cherry peppers. Has a nice robust flavor. Very easy to grow. Pods ripen to a Cherry Red color and get up to over 1 inch in diameter.

        11. Santa Fe Grande

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The Santa Fe Grande Pepper is heat-tolerant, prolific, and cheerful. Produces a fiesta of 2"-4" waxy, tapered peppers that ripen through the rich, vibrant colors of the Southwest, from pale green to yellow to orange to red, with sweet, mild flavor and mild heat. So mild, it’s also called Chile Guero, which translates to “blonde chili,” but you might bite into a spicier one here and there. Grill them with onions for a festive topping for chicken or beef, or use as the colorful main ingredient in salsa or a pickle jar.

        12. Serrano Tampiqueno

        • Appx. 35 seeds
        • The Serrano Tampiqueño Pepper “from the mountains” of Mexico opens up new vistas of heat and flavor. The prolific plant tolerates heat and drought, pushing out loads of 2"-3" cylindrical fruits with colors that range from from grassy green to fizzy orange to berry red, and are spicy at every mesa. Use to add flavor, heat, and syllables to pizza tampiqueño, salsa tampiqueño, steak tampiqueño, or pickles tampiqueño, or dry them and tampi into a queño.

        13. Hungarian Wax

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • Zippy and snappy, the Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper offers a little sweet and a little heat, producing loads of peppers earlier than other varieties. Long 6" tapered fruit ripens from green to creamy yellow, which is when it’s just getting zippy. If you leave it be, it will keep going to orange and then red, increasing the heat with each color change. Thin-skinned, meaty, and crunchy. Try pickling in apple cider vinegar, frying up with onions to top an omelet, or stuffing with prosciutto and provolone.

        14. Chocolate Bell Pepper 

        • Appx. 10 seeds
        • The Chocolate Bell Pepper is a fun one to grow. While the skin is maturing from green to brown, the inside is ripening from green to red, so you’re in for a surprise color combo with each one you snip off the vine. Crunchy and sweet with no heat. Ripens early, too.

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        All-in-One Chicken Garden Variety Pack

        $3999 USD
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        100% Non-GMO, Pure Heirloom, Soy and Corn FREE Treats For Your Backyard Chickens That You Can Grow At Home 

        ••●•• Heal your Chickens, Naturally ••●••

        All-in-One Backyard Chicken Keeper Variety Pack includes an assortment of the 15 most popular varieties beneficial to chickens. Seeds are all individually packaged.

        Sariann I. wrote us and said:

        "I've been growing & feeding fresh herbs/sprouts with seeds we've purchased from your company to our backyard chickens.  They've never been so happy or healthy! All of our hens love receiving these fresh treats that we are able to grow in our vegetable garden and then share with them to enhance their health, deter pests, increase laying production & "spruce up" their coop and nesting boxes with an aromatic herb or two.  Feeding our chickens these herbs has cut our feed costs by up to half! We never felt right about feeding our chickens soy or GMO corn feed.  We love being able to provide our chickens with healthy & organic herbs that we've grown especially for them!"  


        Includes all of the following 15 varieties:

        1. Alfalfa Sprouts (appx. 4,000 seeds) 

        • These greens are very good for your chickens can be part of a healthy diet. Don't forget that feeding your chickens will up their protein intake! Also, feeding them alfalfa is linked to increased pigmentation,  which means layers will produce eggs with more deep orangey yolks.

        2. Borage (appx. 65 seeds) 

        • The leaves may be harvested at anytime and can be used dried or fresh. The plant is best consumed fresh, right after harvest if you're looking for it's characteristic flavor, similar to that of a cucumber. Placing borage around your coop or hen house will deter pests.  Very high in calcium, borage is like a powerhouse for supporting their cardiovascular system. 

        3. Basil Mix (appx. 120 seeds)

        • Antibacterial, mucus membrane health. Can be used to brew an "herbal tea" for new chicks for a healthy start.  Is wonderful when dried and added to nesting boxes.  When growing basil, as soon as you see flowers start to appear, make sure you pinch or snip them off.  This will help the plant stay focused on producing leaves and will encourage the plant to "branch out" as well.   Once your basil plant is about 6 inches tall, start pinching off the tops to encourage branching.

        4. Cilantro (appx. 80 seeds)

        • If you want to support your chickens bones, feeding them cilantro is a wonderful and natural way to do that. High in vitamin K and A.  Acts as a fungicide and contains many beneficial antioxidants. Harvest the cilantro leaves around the base of the plant.  Just make sure the plant is fairly established before you start harvesting so it will be able to handle the stress and recover as it continues to grow.  Once the flowers have gone to seed, start to re-sow more seeds. That way you won't run out and have a continual harvest of fresh cilantro on your hands.   You can harvest the leaves or the entire plant at once.


        5. Dill (appx. 100 seeds)

        • Very beneficial to your chickens respiratory health, fresh dill can be fed to your chickens.  Try drying and then hanging it near or inside of the nest boxes.    It aids in the laying process because it is a natural sedative. When you're ready to harvest, look for the dark green leaves, otherwise known as "dill weed".  You can harvest the leaves at any time. The young leaves tend to have better flavor.

        6. Fennel (appx. 100 seeds) 

        • Recognized as a laying stimulant. Add some freshly cut fennel foliage to your nesting boxes or shaved Fennel bulb to your chickens feed to ensure fresh eggs, year round. Harvest the bulbs when they are approximately the same size as a tennis ball. Once the plant bolts, the flavor will be ruined so try to harvest it before them.  Cut the bulb and stalks off right at the soil line. 

        7. Lemon Balm (appx. 80 seeds)

        • Ward off stress with this this antibacterial and aromatic herb. It makes for a wonderful rodent repellent. It calms their nerves, and smells wonderful in the coop.  Hang this fresh herb to dry and then add to nesting boxes to sooth and relax your chickens. Harvest leaves from your lemon balm plant at any time.  Dry indoors upside down, chop and store for later use.

        8. Lemon Grass

        • Fly repellent. Similar to "citronella" in scent. The long, grassy leaves should be collected by snipping them off with scissors anywhere from mid summer on.  

        9. Mint, Spearmint (appx. 280 seeds)

        • Repel insects and rodents with this powerful, aromatic herb.  It has been known to aid in regulating body temp., produce stronger egg shells, and helps with the chickens digestive system. Pick the leaves as you need them or harvest a large amount from each mint plant up to three times in one growing season.  Cut the stems 1-2 inches from the ground.   You can take cuttings from the plants you already have and root them in a little bit of water and then plant them indoors for fresh leaves throughout the winter. If you want to dry the leaves, it's best to harvest them before the plant goes to seed.

        10. Oregano, Greek (appx. 200 seeds)

        • Combats many diseases like coccidia, salmonella, and e-coli. It can ward off the dreaded avian flue.  Oregano naturally strengthens the immune system. Harvest oregano anytime after they have reached 4-6 inches tall. Harvest oregano leaves in the morning hours as soon as the dew has dried for best flavor.  Once harvested, use fresh or store leaves whole, placed in freezer bags and frozen. They can also be dried in a dark, well-ventilated area and stored in airtight containers until ready to use. 


        11. Parsley, Dark Green Italian (appx. 60 seeds)

        • High in many necessary vitamins and minerals that are required for optimal chicken health.  Helps blood vessel development and has been known to be a great stimulant for laying. Harvest your parsley once the leaves begin to curl.  Pick the leaves earlier in the day when the oils are the strongest.  You can store the sprigs of parsley in a jar with a little bit of water in the bottom, inside the refrigerator for later use.

        12. Broccoli Sprouts

        • These sprouts are actually larger and more flavorful than alfalfa sprouts and make a great addition to what you feed your chickens.  Your chickens be so happy eating broccoli sprouts.

        13. Sage (appx. 25 seeds) 

        • Feed your chickens sage to increase overall health.  This herb can also combat disease and is an anti-parasitic. Smells wonderful in the coop. Store in an airtight container, in a cool and dry place.

        14. Lettuce - All Year (appx. 200 seeds) 

        • As its name suggests, this is a lettuce that can be gown throughout the year, though it will require protection with a cloche or cold frame in the cooler months.    The 'All Year Round' lettuce is a classic Butterhead lettuce, with medium sized loosely formed heads and soft, buttery-textured green leaves. 

        15.  Lettuce - Romaine, Classic "Paris Island Cos"

        • Large, upright, full-bodied heads with dark-green, slightly savoyed leaves that are mild and sweet. Because of their higher chlorophyll content, romaine lettuces are among the most nutritious of all lettuces. Excellent performer in the inter-mountain region. Mosaic tolerant.

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        Wildflowers - Exotic Mountain Scatter Garden Seed Mix

        From $499 USD
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        Includes a mix of 17 of the most vibrant and beautiful flower varieties you've ever seen. Scatter this mix in your garden.  Specifically for elevations above 7,000 feet in western continental U.S.


        Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

        - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

        - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

        - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

        - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

        This mix includes all of the following seed varieties:






        Aquilegia caerulea




        Y, R, V, B

        Centaurea cyanus




        B or mix

        Cheiranthus allionii

        Siberian Wallflower




        Chrysanthemum maximum

        Shasta Daisy




        Coreopsis tinctoria

        Plains Coreopsis



        Y, M

        Dianthus barbatus

        Sweet William




        Dimorphotheca aurantiaca

        African Daisy




        Eschscholtzia californica

        California Poppy




        Gaillardia aristata

        Perennial Gaillardia




        Gypsophila elegans

        Annual Baby's Breath




        Linum lewisii

        Blue Flax




        Lobularia maritima

        Sweet Alyssum




        Oenothera lamarckiana

        Evening Primrose




        Penstemon strictus

        Rocky Mtn. Penstemon




        Ratibida columnifera

        Prairie Coneflower




        Rudbeckia hirta

        Black Eyed Susan




        Silene armeria














        Y- YELLOW









































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        All-in-One Lettuce & Leafy Greens Variety Pack

        $3999 USD
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        All-in-One Lettuce & Greens Variety Pack includes an assortment of our 15 most popular varieties. Seed are all individually packaged.  Packaged with zip-lock Mylar bag system for long-term storage and maximum seed protection.  Includes all of the following 15 varieties:

        1. Arugula - Classic Roquette (Appx. 150 seeds)

        • Arugula can usually be harvested as early as 30-40 days after planting.  The leaves of the Arugula plant add a tangy/peppery flavor to any meal. This Arugula variety is an easy-to-grow green. Plant in the spring and again in the fall. Arugula is one of the easiest leafy greens you can grow.

        2. Collard - Traditional Georgia Southern (Appx. 50 seeds)

        • This is the traditional Collard Green variety popularly grown in the south. Produces large yields of dark blue-green cabbage-like leaves Tolerates heat, humidity, and poor soil conditions.

        3. Endive - Green Curled (Appx. 100 seeds)

        • Endive is a healthy and delicious leafy green. The Green Curled Endive plant produces dark green curly leaves with large tender crisp ribs. Excellent salads and sandwiches. Also good boiled or steamed Extremely easy to grow Endive is rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially in folate and vitamins A and K, and is high in fiber.

        4. Kale - Blue Curled Scotch (Appx. 50 seeds)

        • The Blue Curled Scotch is an early Kale variety which will produce tasty greens!  Excellent in salads or steamed.  The blue-green leaves are finely curled and reach up to 12-15" tall! Can handle the cold extremely well. One of the best frost resistant kale varieties available.

        5. Kale - Red Russian (Appx. 50 seeds)

        • Stems are purple with deep gray-green leaves. The plants mature medium-tall and leaves are tender compared to other kale varieties. Ideal for salads and light cooking. This variety is excellent producer in cooler growing seasons.

        6. Lettuce - All Year Round (Appx. 200 seeds)

        • As its name suggests, this is a lettuce that can be gown throughout the year. In even some of the the coldest areas across the country, this variety can be grown with some protection with a cloche or cold frame in the cooler months.

        7. Lettuce - Gourmet/Mesclun Mix (Appx. 200 seeds)

        • A mixture of favorite lettuce seed varieties from across the spectrum of lettuce types.  Plant heavy and start harvest early for young for baby greens then allow some to grow on for plenty of variety for salads.  A great way to get a lot out of little space.  Perfect for container gardening.

        8. Lettuce - Iceberg (Appx. 200 seeds)

        • A classic lettuce variety. Iceberg lettuce is most often grown as a leaf vegetable. Mild in flavor, it has been described over the centuries as a cooling counterbalance to other ingredients in a salad. Perfect for burgers and other culinary creations.

        9. Lettuce - Classic "Paris Island Cos" (Appx. 135 seeds)

        • Large, upright, full-bodied heads with dark-green, slightly savoyed leaves that are mild and sweet. Plant reaches about 10 inches tall. Midribs are crunchy and juicy. Because of their higher chlorophyll content, romaine lettuces are among the most nutritious of all lettuces. Excellent performer in the inter-mountain region. Mosaic tolerant.

        10. Lettuce - Salad Bowl, Green (Appx. 150 seeds)

        • The Green Salad Bowl Mix is a really easy-to-grow lettuce variety. Extremely flavorful green leafs. Continues to grow as picked. As outer leaves are picked, inner leaves keep growing. Excellent addition for salads and garnishes

         11. Lettuce - Salad Bowl, Red (Appx. 150 seeds)

        • The Red Salad Bowl Mix is a really easy-to-grow lettuce variety. Extremely flavorful red leafs. Continues to grow as picked. As outer leaves are picked, inner leaves keep growing. Excellent addition for salads and garnishes.

        12. Lettuce - Tom Thumb (Appx. 180 seeds)

        • The tom thumb lettuce produces a small, round head with delicate yet delicious leaves.  This variety can be planted close together. Ideal for small spaces.   Grows well in containers on a patio or windowsill. 

        13. Mustard - Mizuna (Appx. 50 seeds)

        • The Mizuna mustard is a vigorous grower, which produces numerous stalks bearing dark green, deeply cut and fringed leaves. They have a fresh, crisp taste and can be used on their own or cooked with meat. This mustard variety is highly resistant to cold and grows well during the winter months.

        14. Mustard - Tendergreen (Appx. 50 seeds)

        • A traditional Southern favorite. Plant produces good yields of green mustard leaves. Excellent flavor. Makes a great garnish to any dish. Easy to grow.

        15. Spinach - Bloomsdale (Appx. 70 seeds)

        • Bloomsdale Spinach will produce heavy, glossy, dark green leaves. Excellent flavor. Extremely easy to grow. Large, curly dark green leaves. Nice sweet taste.
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        Squash (Winter) - Gold Nugget

        From $099 USD
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        Gold Nugget Winter Squash Seeds

        (100% Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO)

        • The Gold Nuggest squash is popular 3 lb fruit that is extremely delicious.

          - Grows as a compact bush (not as a vine).

          - Orange/yellow colored flesh.

          - Very sweet and full of flavor - perfect for roasting or baking.

          - Ideal for any sized garden
          and easy to grow.

        • Day to Maturity | 80 days

        Additional Details

        Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).

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        Garlic - (Hard Neck) Porcelain German

        From $299 USD
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        Quick Overview

        • Grows well in any climate
        • Strong flavor


        Grows a very large bulb containing easy to peel cloves. The white wrappers have delicate purple stripes. This one is #1 on taste. Stores up to six months. Does well in any climate.

        How to Plant Garlic

        Garlic can be planted in the spring as soon as the ground can be worked, but fall planting is recommended. Bulbs will grow bigger and more flavorful when you plant them in the fall.  Plant 6 to 8 weeks before your first hard frost.  In southern areas, February or March can be a better time to plant.

        Key Planting Info:

        • Break apart cloves from bulb but keep the papery husk on each individual clove.
        • Ensure soil is well-drained with plenty of organic matter. Plant in Full Sun.
        • Plant 4 inches apart & 2 inches deep, in their upright position (the wide end down and pointed end facing up).
        • Come springtime, shoots will begin to emerge.

        Click here for a more detailed Garlic Grow Guide ->

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          All-in-One Culinary Herb Garden Variety Pack

          $3999 USD
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          Grow an indoor or outdoor culinary herb garden with your favorite herbs. Herbs will do well in a variety of locations, especially in containers. This variety pack is perfect for those who want to grow fresh herbs throughout the cooler months on their covered decks, patios and even indoor windowsills. This All-in-One Herb Variety Pack includes an assortment of our 15 most popular varieties.  Seeds are all individually packaged. 

          Includes all of the following seed varieties:

          1. Basil - HERB MIX (appx. 120 seeds)

          Enjoy some of our most popular varieties of Basil Herbs. This is a special blend of basil varieties we carry, sure to be a show stopper! You'll enjoy a wide variety of Basil plants with great flavors! Very easy to grow and extremely popular for those that can't decide on which variety to try in their own garden! Learn more

          2. Basil - Leaf Lettuce (appx. 120 seeds)

          Annual plant. Produces very flavorful and tender basil leaves. Used in many different types of dishes. Leaves can be used dried, fresh, or frozen. 85 days to mature. Can be grown indoors in containers. Very easy to grow! Learn more

            3. Borage (appx. 65 seeds)

            Borage is a fairly common herbal remedy that has been used since ancient times. It's best when grown in containers because it is extremely invasive.  The flavor of these flowers is crisp and refreshing. Learn more

              4. Chives (appx. 115 seeds)

              Also known as Garlic Chives. A perennial plant that grows narrow, grass-like leaves that have a mild onion-like flavor. Chives are rich in vitamins A and C, contain trace amounts of sulfur, and are rich in calcium and iron. Learn more

              5. Cilantro (appx. 80 seeds)

              This slow-bolting strain is grown primarily for its broad, deep green, celery-like, pungent foliage. Used in Oriental and Mexican cuisine. Use seed to flavor meats, pickles and baked goods. Learn more

              6. Chervil - French Parsley (appx. 100 seeds)

              Chervil, aka French Parsley, has many various traditional uses. Chervil is "a delicate annual herb related to parsley. It is commonly used to season flavored dishes."  Learn more

                7. Fennel (appx. 100 seeds)

                Produces very flavorful large bulbs and edible flower buds.  Excellent for seasonings and for cooking as a vegetable. Plant Height: 30" tall. Fennel is a very aromatic plant with a sweet licorice flavor, similar to an anise seed. It has many medicinal uses and herbalists have been using it for centuries to relieve problems with the respiratory system, stomach muscles and intestines. Nursing mothers can expect increased milk production and fennel also has been used to soothe colicky infants. Learn more

                  8. Lavender (appx. 50 seeds)

                  English Lavender is one of the most beautiful seeds you can plant in your garden.- Lavender is an herb. The flower and the oil of lavender are used to make medicine.- Lavender is used for restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. It is also used for a variety of digestive complaints, loss of appetite, vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, and upset stomach.- Some people use lavender for painful conditions including migraine headaches, toothaches, sprains, nerve pain, sores, and joint pain. It is also used for acne and cancer, and to promote menstruation. Learn more

                    9. Mint, Lemon (appx. 100 seeds)

                    Annual plant that is covered with beautiful pinkish purple colored flowers. - Lemon scented leaves that can be used as a replacement for lemon in any dish! Learn more

                    10. Oregano, Greek (appx. 200 seeds)

                    Hippocrates used oregano as an antiseptic, as well as a cure for stomach and respiratory ailments. It is still used today in Greece as a palliative for sore throat. Oregano is also high in antioxidant activity, due to a high content of phenolic acids and flavonoids. Learn more

                      11. Parsley, Dark Green Italian (appx. 60 seeds)

                      Finely cut dark green leaves. Flat leaves. Use this parsley for garnishing, and culinary decoration. Tolerates heat better than most varieties. Learn more

                        12. Rosemary (appx. 20 seeds)

                        Excellent flavor and extremely fragrant. Perfect to use fresh or dried. Can be used to flavor many culinary varieties such as meats, soups, and sauces. Can be used for treating headaches and known to improve circulation. Perfect for containers. Learn more

                        13. Lemon Balm (appx. 80 seeds)

                        The lemon balm plant produces beautiful lemon scented leaves. The leaves are typically used in teas, sauces, salads, soups, stews, and drinks. Lemon Balm tea is said to stimulate the heart and calms the nerves.  A variety native of Europe. Perennial.Learn more

                        14. Summer Savory (appx. 220 seeds)

                        The Summer Savory plant grows tasty peppery flavored leaves. This is the herb to use if you want to flavor beans, cabbage, peas, and any other dishes. Widely used as a medicinal herb for curing sore throats. Use the leaves to make some tea and you'll be feeling great! Learn more

                        15.  Thyme (appx. 350 seeds)

                        Plant spreads to form attractive 8 to 12 inch high mounds. Aromatic and flavorful leaves- Used to flavor meats, dressings, soups, and stews. Learn more
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                          Squash (Winter) - Long Island Cheese

                          From $325 USD
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                          Page 822ba149 2795 40a5 bab6 8ffef6cd75e2 grandeSquash (Winter), Long Island Cheese (100% Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO)

                          • The Long Island Cheese squash plant produces excellent yields of 10 pound squash resembling a wheel of cheese.

                            - Grows as a vine (not as a bush)

                            - Popular heirloom variety passed down for many generations

                            - The orange flesh is very sweet and can be used for making pie during the autumn months

                            - Widely grown by people all across New York and New Jersey
                          • Day to Maturity | 100 days
                          • Best Months to Plant  |  [March - June]  Winter squash love the sun and can't get enough of it. They need about 3 months of warm temperature and one additional month of cooler temps to fully mature.

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                          Sprouts/Microgreens - Kale, Red Russian

                          From $499 USD
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                          Kale Red Russian Micro-Greens

                          • Really easy to grow. 

                          • Just let them grow until you see the first set of true leaves.

                          • Perfect for a micro-green salad.

                          • Makes a great addition to many culinary dishes.

                          • These sprouts have a mildly sweet flavor.

                          • Day to Maturity | 3-6 days

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                          Gourd - Large Bottle "Birdhouse"

                          From $099 USD
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                          • Just as the name suggests, this style of gourd will produce something that looks like a large bottle

                          • Colors will vary

                          • Many people use this variety to make birdhouses

                          • Grows as a vine

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                          Sprouts/Microgreens - Beet, Dark Red

                          From $499 USD
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                          These Dark Red Beets grow into gorgeous, tender sprouts with deep red shoots and delicate green leaves.  An amazing earthy flavor rounds out this extremely rewarding micro-green.

                          Beets can be the more difficult sprout to grow… but well worth it!  It's the prettiest sprout there is (flame red) and can make any plate look and taste even better.

                          Beets like warm air 75 - 78 degree temperature, humidity 80 - 86%, water temperature 70 degrees) and low light in the room for the first 3 days. The outer surface of a beet seed is like a sponge and can absorb a great amount of water.  Please read these instructions carefully:

                          Proper way to sprout Beet seed:

                          1. Put beet seed in a bucket/tub/container
                          2. Let the seeds soak in warm (not boiling and not cold) water for approx. 8 hours. Stir well in about 4 hours.
                          3. Put in colander and Rinse with lukewarm water until the water that comes off is no longer brown.
                            ⚠️ This is important, as red beet has the above water soluble anti-sprouting components (slime) on its hulls. This is a protection: otherwise, in nature, red beet would sprout in an environment that is not humid enough. Clever seed, isn’t it?
                          4. Set aside in a warm room.  Give NO WATER and it will sprout in approx. 24-48 hrs.
                          5. Then, water as you would any of your other sprouts & micro-greens

                          Happy planting!

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                          Sprouts/Microgreens - Radish, Rambo (Red)

                          From $299 USD
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                          • Organic

                          • Spicy

                          • Very beautiful red sprouts

                          • Popular amongst many culinary chefs
                          • Tastes like fully grown radish. If you like the taste of radish you'll love Radish Sprouts!

                          Follow SeedsNow.com's board Radish on Pinterest.
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                          From $299 USD
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                          Tansy is a very powerful and popular herb.  We recommend that you do a Google search to learn more about all the benefits and uses this plant has to offer.  Happy planting!




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                          Salad Burnet

                          From $399 USD
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                          • Poterium sanguisorba. Perennial. Keep flowers cut to promote leaf growth
                          • Plant produces serrated leaves that tastes and smells like cucumbers
                          • Can be used in salads, soups, stews, and flavored drinks
                          • Can also be used in facial treatments to improve skin
                          • Plant Height: 18" tall
                          • Days to Maturity | 75 days

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                          All-in-One Homestead Seed Bank

                          $9999 USD
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                          The Homestead Seed Bank includes 25 varieties of our most popular seeds. Each variety is separately packaged and labeled. Sealed in a re-sealable Mylar bag for long-term storage.

                          The Homestead Seed Bank is designed to give you everything you need to start living off the land and growing your own organic food - no matter where you live.

                          All seeds are packaged individually in resealable bags and then secured in a heavy duty Mylar bag for additional protection from moisture, light, and air.

                          Use the seeds this year or store them for an emergency. Long term shelf-life. 

                          All of the varieties are high in nutrients, minerals, and essential vitamins.  100% NON-GMO. 100% NATURAL & NON-HYBRIDIZED seeds. All tested to ensure the highest germination %.

                          What's Included:

                          • 25 seed varieties  
                          • Individually packaged and labeled in resealable bags
                          • Mylar bag packaging with zip-lock enclosure for long-term storage
                          • 25 seed starting soil pods   

                          1. Basil - Italian Large Leaf (appx. 1,000 seeds)     

                          The Italian Large Leaf Basil plant will produce medium to large leaves that can measure up to 4" long! It is of heriloom variety and is extremely fragrant and used widely in the culinary industry.  If you're a lover of basil, this would be a good variety to plant in your garden.  
                          2. Bean (Bush) - Jade (appx. 50 seeds)

                          The Jade Bush Bean produces long and tender 7" long dark green beans. Easy to grow and matures quickly. Can tolerate high temperatures. Very sweet and tender - one of the best tasting bush beans! High in vitamins A, B and C.  60 Days to Maturity
                          3. Bean (Bush) - Contender (appx. 100 seeds)

                          One of the best bush beans - ever! Ideal for short growing cool seasons. Beans are 6 to 8 inches long and slightly curved with distinct flavor. Productive string-less variety is good for canning, freezing or eating fresh from the garden. 50-55 days to Maturity
                          4. Beet - Detroit Dark Red (appx. 250 seeds)

                          The most popular beet on the market. The 2 ½ to 3 inch globes. These beets are extremely nutritious and are considered to be a “cardiovascular health” friendly root vegetables.  It also contains a significant amount of vitamin-C, one of the powerful natural antioxidant, which helps the body scavenge deleterious free radicals.
                          5. Cauliflower - Snowball (appx. 600 seeds)

                          The Self-Blanche Cauliflower produces flavorful snow ball type cauliflower. - Plant early as it stops growing when it gets hot. - The leaves curl upward and cover head to keep sun from ruining white color. 65 days to Maturity
                          6. Pepper - California Wonder (appx. 1,000 seeds)

                          Large yields of blocky, mostly 4 lobed, thick-walled fruit that is mild and sweet. 75 days to Maturity
                          7. Cabbage - Charleston Wakefield (appx. 850 seeds)

                          These seeds produces good yields of 4 lb heads of cabbage. Excellent flavor and very popular. Open pollinated heirloom variety. 75 days to Maturity
                          8. Carrot - Tendersweet (appx. 3,000 seeds)

                          One of the sweetest and best tasting carrots you can grow! - Skinny 7" tapered roots - Easy to grow - Carrots are a sun-loving plants that also like the cold. - Just keep them consistently watered and they'll be happy.
                          9. Cilantro (Coriander) - Slow Bolt (appx. 490 seeds)

                          This slow-bolting strain is grown primarily for its broad, deep green, celery-like, pungent foliage. Used in Oriental and Mexican cuisine. Use seed to flavor meats, pickles and baked goods.
                          10. Cucumber - Everbearing (appx. 100 seeds)

                          The Ever-bearing cucumber is one of the most popular cucumbers you can grow. As its name implies, this cucumber variety continues to grow as its fruits are picked. Crisp fruit with excellent flavor and crunch. Vigorous vines loaded with fresh cucumbers all season. Great for table use, slicing, pickling and/or processing. 60 days to maturity
                          11. Cucumber - Marketer (appx. 120 seeds)

                          The Marketer is a 1943 All-America Selections (AAS) Winner!  Produces extremely flavorful 9" long dark green cucumbers. Excellent for slicing and salads. Suitable for home gardens and market growers.
                          12. Kale - Blue Curled Scotch (appx. 1,200 seeds)

                          The Blue Curled Scotch is an early Kale variety which will produce tasty greens!  Excellent in salads or steamed.  The blue-green leaves are finely curled and reach up to 12-15" in high! Extremely cold hardy. One of the best frost resistant kale varieties available.
                          13. Lettuce - Gourmet Mesclun Mix (appx. 2,000 seeds)

                          Extremely easy to grow! A mixture of your favorite lettuce varieties from across the spectrum of lettuce types. Lettuce is a low calorie food and is a source of vitamin A and folic acid.

                          14. Lettuce - All Year Round (appx. 1,000 seeds)

                          Extremely easy to grow! As its name suggests, this is a lettuce that can be gown throughout the year, though it will require protection with a cloche or cold frame in the cooler month.
                          15. Melon - Tendersweet Orange Flesh (appx. 100 seeds)

                          The Tendersweet Watermelon is a classic heirloom variety with dark orange flesh. Very sweet and delicious. Grows up to 35 lbs!
                          16. Onion - Red Burgundy (Short Day) (appx. 700 seeds)

                          The Red Burgundy onion plant produces beautiful 4" wide red onions. Short day. These onions have a mild but very sweet flavor. Excellent slicing variety. 110-120 days to Maturity
                          17. Onion - White Lisbon - AKA Scallions (appx. 500 seeds)

                          White Lisbon is a very popular type of bunching onion. Dark green leaves with long white stalks. Stores well after harvest. Excellent for many culinary creations. A hot and cold resistant variety. This variety is usually planted in the spring but it's also a great fall/winter crop as well. Grows well in containers and small spaces Easy to grow! 65 Days to Maturity
                          18. Pea - Wando (appx. 130 seeds)

                          The most productive pea variety suitable for warm weather. Wando peas also tolerates the cold extremely well for early sowing. Bush variety. 65 days to Maturity
                          19. Pepper (Hot!) - Jalapeño (Appx. 60 seeds)

                          Slightly larger fruit and taller plant with heavy yield.  This Jalapeno pepper will produce over a longer period of time.  70 days days to Maturity
                          20. Spinach - Bloomsdale (appx. 350 seeds)

                          Bloomsdale Spinach will produce heavy, glossy, dark green leaves.  Excellent flavor. Extremely easy to grow. Large, curly dark green leaves. Nice sweet taste.
                          21. Squash (Summer) - Caserta (appx. 100 seeds)

                          A 1949 All-America Selections Winner! - Grows as a bush. A summer squash variety. Produces high yields of 16" long grayish-green zucchini squash with dark green stripes. Perfect for home garden and market growers.
                          22. Swiss Chard - Hot Pink (appx. 100 seeds)

                          The Pink Swiss Chard produces excellent yields of dark green shiny leaves with magenta/hot pink stalks and veins. Excellent for salads, juicing, and/or steamed with others greens. Extremely healthy. Easy to grow. 65 Days to Maturity
                          23. Tomato - Beefsteak, Ponderosa Red (appx. 300 seeds)

                          Popular, deep, oblate fruits are very large, solid, and meaty with small seed cavities. A great slicer, full of flavor and easy to grow.
                          24. Tomato - Homestead (appx. 230 seeds)

                          Extremely popular heirloom tomato variety. Strong and sturdy vines with medium sized tomatoes that thrive it warm climates. Great variety if you want to can them. These tomatoes are full of flavor and a definite must if you like growing your own tomatoes Also known to be wilt resistant.
                          25. Watermelon - All Sweet (appx. 185 seeds)

                          Produces good yields of 25 lb watermelons. Has bright red flesh. Perfect for making Watermelon Candy (see how to here). Extremely flavorful and extra sweet with a tough rind (helps keep it fruit from bruising). Perfect variety for any sized home garden (even market growers).
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                          Watermelon - Congo

                          From $299 USD
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                          • A 1950 All-America Selections Winner

                            - These Congo watermelon seeds will produce a plant full of 35 lb watermelons

                            - Very tough rind that will resist bruising

                            - Extremely delicious

                          • Days to Maturity | 95 days

                          • Best Months to Plant  |  [April - June]  Watermelons are heat-loving plants that need lots of sun. They grow on a long vine, so make sure to give them plenty of space to roam around.

                          Follow SeedsNow.com's board Watermelon on Pinterest.
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                          Tomato - Calypso (Indeterminate)

                          From $299 USD
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                          The Calypso Tomato is often referred to as a “common salad tomato". Calypso is tolerant of heat and humidity, and great for Southern gardens.

                          • Common tomato flavor
                          • Common tomato color
                          • Heat tolerant
                          • Great for Southern gardens

                          SEED PLANTING TIPS

                          • Botanical name: Solanum lycopersicum
                          • Growth type: Indeterminate, trellis support, regular pruning 
                          • Tomato size: Medium
                          • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
                          • Spacing between plants: 24" apart
                          • Spacing between rows: 36"-48" apart
                          • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-14 days
                          • Germination soil temps: 75F-95F
                          • Soil needs: 6.0-6.5 pH
                          • Sun needs: Full sun
                          • Frost hardy: No
                          • Planting season: Spring, summer
                          • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 2 sq. ft.
                          • Days to maturity: 75-80 days

                          Good companion plants: Basil, Borage, Onion, Parsley, Pepper

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                          Sprouts/Microgreens - Chives, Garlic

                          From $499 USD
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                          Garlic Chives will produce shoots that grow to a mature height of roughly 12 inches tall. Popularly used to flavor potatoes and salads, Chives are not only tasty, but are also attractive as well. Each plant displays white colored flowers atop slender stems / shoots. Flowering much later than traditional Chives, it’s Garlic twins will bloom within the heat of the summer months. The shoots, once cut will add a slight garlic & onion flavor to any dish that they are added to. The flowers also add a mild onion/garlic flavor and can be used as a garnish.

                          Very easy to grow. 

                          Country of Origin: Italy

                          Ready to consume after just a couple of days. 

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                          Wildflowers - Deer Resistant Scatter Garden Seed Mix

                          From $499 USD
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                          Includes a mix of the 22 of the most popular flower varieties that deer are known to stay away from. Scatter this mix of seeds in your garden and keep the deer away.


                          Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

                          - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

                          - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

                          - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

                          - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

                          This mix includes all of the following seed varieties:


                          COMMON NAME




                          Achillea millefolium



                          12 to 36


                          Aquilegia caerulea



                          24 to 36


                          Centaurea cyanus

                          Bachelor Buttons


                          12 to 36

                          Blue or Mix

                          Chrysanthemum maximum

                          Shasta Daisy


                          16 to 24


                          Clarkia amoena



                          8 to 14


                          Coreopsis lanceolata

                          Lance Leaf Coreopsis


                          18 to 36


                          Delphinium consolida



                          12 to 36


                          Digitalis purpurea



                          24 to 48


                          Echinacea purpurea

                          Purple Coneflower


                          24 to 36


                          Eschscholzia californica

                          California Poppy


                          12 to 18


                          Gaillardia aristata



                          18 to 30


                          Iberis umbellata



                          12 to 18


                          Liatris spicata



                          24 to 48


                          Lupinus perennis



                          12 to 36


                          Monarda citriodora

                          Lemon Mint


                          12 to 24


                          Papaver rhoeas

                          Red shirley poppy


                          12 to 30


                          Papaver rhoeas

                          Mixed Shirley Poppy


                          12 to 30


                          Ratibida columnifera

                          Red Prairie Coneflower


                          12 to 36


                          Ratibida columnifera

                          Yellow Prairie Coneflower


                          12 to 36


                          Rudbeckia hirta

                          Black Eyed Susan


                          12 to 36


                          Salvia coccinea

                          Scarlet Sage


                          12 to 24


                          Viscaria occulata



                          9 to 12

















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                          Bean, Fava/Broad - Aguadulce

                          From $299 USD
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                          The Aguadulce Fava Bean is a cold hardy broadbean that can also take a bit of heat. This 4' bush-type plant produces charming white and black flowers that turn into huge green pods with huge, creamy, nutty, protein-rich beans inside. Known as a dried bean, it’s also delicious when eaten fresh from the pod. With its edible leaves, high yields, and nitrogen-fixing properties, this is a gorgeous performer for fall and winter gardens in all grow zones.

                          • Easy to grow
                          • Cold hardy to 20 degrees F
                          • Nitrogen fixer
                          • Great for winter gardens

                          SEED PLANTING TIPS

                          • Botanical name: Vicia faba
                          • Depth to plant seeds: 2" deep
                          • Spacing between plants: 4"-6" apart
                          • Spacing between rows: 18"-24" apart
                          • Days to germinate (sprout): 10-14 days
                          • Germination soil temps: 50F-65F
                          • Soil needs: 6.0-7.0 pH
                          • Sun needs: Full sun
                          • Frost hardy: Yes
                          • Planting season: Spring, fall, winter
                          • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 2-4 plants per sq. ft.
                          • Days to maturity: 75-80 days when spring sown, 180 days when fall sown

                          Click here to view our full Bean grow guide

                          Good companion plants: Cabbage, Carrot, Lettuce, Parsley, Rosemary

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                          Tomato - Big Rainbow (Indeterminate)

                          From $399 USD
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                          The Big Rainbow Tomato is a popular ribbed beefsteak variety that produces 1-2 lb fruits. A favorite among gardeners for its marbled palette of orange, red, and yellow skin coloring that continues through to the flesh. Taming all that wildness is a little pot of gold flavor that is well-balanced between acidic and sweet. Heavy producer, so stake well.

                          • High yields
                          • Extra large fruit
                          • Well-balanced flavor
                          • Hearty slicer

                          SEED PLANTING TIPS

                          • Botanical name: Solanum lycopersicum
                          • Growth type: Indeterminate, trellis support, regular pruning
                          • Tomato size: Large (1-2 lbs.)
                          • Depth to plant seeds: .25" deep
                          • Spacing between plants: 24"-36" apart
                          • Spacing between rows: 36"-48" apart
                          • Days to germinate (sprout): 7-14 days
                          • Germination soil temps: 75F-95F
                          • Soil needs: 6.0-6.5 pH
                          • Sun needs: Full sun
                          • Frost hardy: No
                          • Planting season: Spring, summer
                          • # of plants per sq. ft.: Appx. 1 plant per 3 sq. ft.
                          • Days to maturity: 85-95 days

                          Click here to view our full Tomato grow guide

                          Good companion plants: Basil, Borage, Onion, Parsley, Pepper

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                          Squash (Summer) - Marrow, White

                          From $399 USD
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                          • The White Marrow Summer Squash produces some of the most beautiful looking snow white squash

                            - Grows as a compact vine (not as a bush)

                            - Best when picked at 8" long

                            - Perfect for small gardens
                            , containers, and raised beds

                          • Days to Maturity | 85 days

                          • Best Months to Plant  |  [March - June]  Summer squash love the sun and can't get enough of it.  They are warm-season crops and are sensitive to cold/frost. Plant your seeds as soon as the soil has warmed. 

                          Additional Details

                          Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).

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                          Wildflowers - Dryland Scatter Garden Seed Mix

                          From $499 USD
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                          Includes a mix of 21 different beautiful flower varieties. Cover dry spaces with drought tolerant wildflowers! Mix includes annuals and perennials.  Easy to grow and require little maintenance

                          Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

                          - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

                          - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

                          - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

                          - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

                          This mix includes the following:


                          Common Name




                          Centaurea cyanus





                          Cheiranthus allionii

                          Siberian Wallflower




                          Chrysanthemum maximum

                          Shasta Daisy




                          Coreopsis tinctoria

                          Plains Coreopsis




                          Dianthus barbatus

                          Sweet William




                          Dimorphotheca auranantiaca

                          African Daisy




                          Echinacea purpurea

                          Purple Coneflower




                          Eschscholtzia californica

                          California Poppy




                          Gaillardia aristata

                          Perennial Gaillardia




                          Gaillardia pulchella

                          Annual Gaillardia




                          Gypsophila elegans

                          Annual Baby's Breath




                          Linaria maroccana

                          Spurred Snapdragon




                          Linum lewisii

                          Blue Flax




                          Lobularia maritima

                          Sweet Alyssum




                          Oenothera lamarckiana

                          Evening Primrose




                          Papaver rhoeas

                          Corn Poppy




                          Penstemon strictus

                          Rocky Mtn. Penstemon




                          Ratibida columnifera

                          Prairie Coneflower




                          Rudbeckia hirta

                          Black Eyed Susan




                          Rudbeckia hirta

                          Gloriosa Daisy




                          Silene armeria

























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                          Melon - Amarillo Oro

                          From $199 USD
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                          • The Amarillo Oro plant produces good yields of large 15 lb. golden yellow oblong melons. A pre-1870 heirloom variety from Europe

                            - White flesh with sweet flavor

                            - Grows well in the winter

                            - Suitable for home gardens and market growers

                          • Days to Maturity | 90 days

                          • Melon Seeds | Because of the long growing season, start plants indoors 4 to 5 weeks before outdoor planting time. Direct sow 4-5 seeds in a hill and then thin to the appropriate spacing. 

                            Click here for complete Melon grow guide
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                          Nasturtium - Tall Trailing Mix Flowers

                          From $399 USD
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                          This fast-growing, vine-like or "trailing" plant can easily reach 10 feet in length by the end of the growing season! Perfect for growing along fences, or above retaining walls. It boasts colorful flowers in many shades of yellow, orange and even occasionally red.

                          • Nasturtium flowers are one of the most popular edible flowers grown in home gardens. The petals have a slight peppery taste, and the seeds and leaves are also edible! You can even use the seeds as an alternative to capers.
                          • Not only are the flowers pretty, Nasturtiums are great companion plants! They are also known to deter aphids, whiteflies, cucumber beetles & more. Learn more >
                          • Nasturtiums should be planted in the spring for a "summer show". Plant in full sun, and in sandy, well drained soil. Generally, the poorer the soil quality, the more flowers the plant will produce! Deadhead your plants regularly to encourage new blooms, all season long. These flowers will self-seed resulting in more flowers for years to come!
                          • These are PERFECT for beginner gardeners! These annuals are very easy to grow from seed and can be grown just about anywhere, even places that are susceptible to drought.
                          • The bright flower petals will liven up any garden, with very little effort! They are also GREAT for planting in hanging baskets or containers.
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                          Wildflowers - Low Grow Scatter Garden Seed Mix

                          From $499 USD
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                          Includes a mix of 17 different beautiful flower varieties.  A mostly annual flower seed mix that blooms quickly and stays below knee high. Great for containers and edges.  

                          Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

                          - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

                          - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

                          - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

                          - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

                          This mix includes the following:


                          COMMON NAME




                          Centaurea cyanus

                          Bachelor Button dwf.


                          12 to 36

                          Blue or Mix

                          Cheiranthus allionii

                          Siberian Wallflower


                          10 to 18


                          Clarkia amoena

                          Farewell to Spring dwf.


                          8 to 14


                          Collinsia heterophyla

                          Chinese Houses


                          12 to 24


                          Coreopsis lanceolata

                          Lance Leaf Coreopsis dwf.


                          18 to 36


                          Coreopsis tinctoria

                          Plains Coreopsis dwf.


                          12 to 36


                          Cynoglossum firmament

                          Chinese Forget Me Not


                          18 to 24


                          Dianthus barbatus

                          Sweet William


                          12 to 24


                          Dimorphotheca aurantiaca

                          African Daisy


                          8 to 16


                          Eschscholtzia californica

                          California Poppy


                          12 to 18


                          Gypsophila elegans

                          Baby's Breath


                          8 to 18


                          Iberis umbellata



                          12 to 18


                          Linum lewisii

                          Blue Flax


                          18 to 30


                          Lobularia maritima

                          Sweet Alyssum


                          8 to 16


                          Nemophila menziesii

                          Baby Blue Eyes


                          4 to 12


                          Phacelia campanularia

                          California Bluebells


                          8 to 20


                          Silene armeria



                          16 to 22

















                          TP= TENDER PERENNIALS










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                          Sprouts/Microgreens - Fenugreek

                          From $499 USD
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                          Beet - Detroit (White)

                          From $299 USD
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                          • The White Detroit beets has great flavorful. Perfect for gourmet dishes

                            - Very popular

                            - Easy to grow

                          • Days to Maturity | 55-60 days  
                          Shop all Beet Seeds  📚 Beets Grow Guide 
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                          Squash (Winter) - Burgess Buttercup

                          From $299 USD
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                          Squash (Winter), Burgess Buttercup

                          • Cucurbita maxima.

                          • Plant produces heavy yields of 8" long turban shaped green squash with silvery white stripes.

                          • The yellow orange flesh is very sweet and grows 3 to 5 lbs.

                          • The Burgess strain stores well.

                          • A winter squash variety.

                          • Day to Maturity | 90 days

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                          Lettuce - Tango

                          From $399 USD
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                          • Beautiful tight green crinkled lettuce leaves

                          • Curly leaves with really nice texture and color

                          • Extremely popular amongst gourmet chefs and restaurants

                          • Easy to grow and does not require a lot of space

                          • Days to Maturity | 50 days

                          • Lettuce Seeds | Lettuce can be grown practically anywhere.  For leaf types seed should be sown thinly in rows 1 foot apart. For head, Bibb, and cos types, space rows 18 inches apart.

                            Click here for complete Lettuce grow guide


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                            Onion (Sets) - Wethersfield, Red

                            From $299 USD
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                            Quick Overview

                            Large globe with very thin, reddish-purple colored skin.
                            The white flesh is very firm and tinged with pink or purple highlights.
                            Fine strong flavor, vigorous.

                            They are technically long day onions. However, they can be grown anywhere, down south they will be more grown like big scallions.

                            How to Plant Bulb Onions

                            Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted.

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                            Pumpkin - Wee Be Little

                            From $299 USD
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                            • Mini pumpkins about the size of a grapefruit

                            • Tiny pumpkins weigh about 14 ounces

                            • Days to Maturity | 90 days

                            Additional Details

                            The word pumpkin originates from the word pepon, which is Greek for “large melon". The French adapted this word to pompon, which the British changed to pumpion and later American colonists changed that to the word we use today, "pumpkin".

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                            Shallot (sets) - Holland, Red (Organic)

                            From $399 USD
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                            Each shallot can typically yield about 5-10 shallots per harvest.  Best time to plant is usually in the Fall (Sept. - Nov.)

                            Quick Overview:

                            • Copper Red
                            • Easy to grow
                            • Rare heirloom variety - hard to find
                            • Stores very well
                            • Excellent flavor

                            More Details:

                            A coppery red outer skin peels easily to reveal a reddish-purple flesh. Excellent flavor, great in sauces. This one can produce tenfold!! Contains potassium and vitamins A, B-6 and C

                            How to Plant:

                            Plant the pointy side of the shallot facing up with no more than 1/4" of soil covering the shallot. Make sure your have 7-8 inches of soil to allow the roots to grow freely.  Space each bulb 10" - 12" apart from each other.

                            Note: Each shallot can typically yield about 5-10 shallots per harvest.  Best time to plant is usually in the Fall (Sept. - Nov.)

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                            Chicory - Witloof, White

                            From $299 USD
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                            Chicory - Witloof (100% Heirloom/Non-Hybrid/Non-GMO)

                            • Witloof Chicory produces heads that have gorgeous light green leaves. 

                              - A perfect variety for summer and fall harvest.

                              - Can be used in salads or as a coffee substitute.
                            • Day to Maturity | 55 days

                            Additional Details

                            Chicory is a somewhat woody, perennial herbaceous plant usually with bright blue flowers, rarely white or pink. Various varieties are cultivated for salad leaves, chicons (blanched buds), or for roots which are baked, ground, and used as a coffee substitute and additive. It is also grown as a forage crop for livestock. It lives as a wild plant on roadsides in its native Europe, and in North America and Australia, where it has become naturalized.  Credit: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicory

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                            Squash (Winter) - Hubbard, Blue

                            From $299 USD
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                            • The Baby Blue Hubbard squash is popular 7 lb light blue/gray squash

                              - Grows as a vine (not as a bush)

                              - Orange/yellow colored flesh

                              - Very sweet and full of flavor - perfect for roasting or baking

                              - Ideal for any sized garden
                              and easy to grow

                            • Days to Maturity | 100 days

                            Additional Details

                            Though considered a vegetable in cooking, botanically speaking, squash is a fruit (being the receptacle for the plant's seeds). Squash can be served fresh (in salads) and cooked (squash stuffed with meat, fried squash, baked squash).

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                            Wildflowers - Cosmos Flower Scatter Garden Seed Mix

                            From $499 USD
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                            Includes a mix of 7 popular cosmos flower varieties. Scatter this mix in your garden and enjoy a beautiful assortment of cosmos flowers!

                            Wildflower establishment requires some important steps:

                            - Site selection/preparation: It's important to address competition from weeds: pull, till, or use organic herbicides. If planting in the spring/summer you can wait for weeds to germinate, control and then plant the wildflower seeds.

                            - Seeding:  You will want to have good seed to soil contact, broadcasting by hand is a good approach on small plot, may want to mix with an inert carrier, sand or other. Raking in and covering with soil 2-3 times seed thickness.

                            - Watering: During establishment for the first month, can be from rain in spring or supplement with irrigation.

                            - Timing: The best time to plant is in spring to early summer and even again in late fall.

                            This mix includes all of the following seed varieties:


                            COMMON NAME

                            Cosmos bippinatus

                            Cosmos, Sensation Mix

                            Cosmos bippinatus


                            Cosmos bippinatus


                            Cosmos bippinatus


                            Cosmos bippinatus


                            Cosmos bippinatus


                            Cosmos sulphureus

                            Sulphur Cosmos

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                            Onion (Sets) - Ebenezer, White

                            From $299 USD
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                            Quick Overview

                            Medium sized, flat, onion with thin, unnoticeable translucent white skin with less waste when prepared. Fine, grained flesh, popular for pickling. Excellent keeper.

                            They are technically long day onions. However, they can be grown anywhere, down south they will be more grown like big scallions.

                            How to Plant Bulb Onions

                            Onion bulbs are quite hardy and can withstand 20° F frost. They should be set out 4-6 weeks prior to the last expected frost. When your plants arrive they should appear to be quite dry. DO NOT WET THEM NOR STICK THEIR ROOTS IN WATER. Unpack them and store them in a cool, dry place until it is time to plant. They should last about 3 weeks kept this way. Do not worry that your plants seem dry. They will "shoot" new roots and new, green tops as soon as they are planted.

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                            Nasturtium - Whirlybird Flowers

                            From $099 USD
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                            This variety produces jewel-toned flowers, dark green foliage, maximum color! These flowers stand straight and will come in shades of red, orange, cream and gold. 

                            • Nasturtium flowers are one of the most popular edible flowers grown in home gardens. The petals have a slight peppery taste, and the seeds and leaves are also edible! You can even use the seeds as an alternative to capers.
                            • Not only are the flowers pretty, Nasturtiums are great companion plants! They are also known to deter aphids, whiteflies, cucumber beetles & more. Learn more >
                            • Nasturtiums should be planted in the spring for a "summer show". Plant in full sun, and in sandy, well drained soil. Generally, the poorer the soil quality, the more flowers the plant will produce! Deadhead your plants regularly to encourage new blooms, all season long. These flowers will self-seed resulting in more flowers for years to come!
                            • These are PERFECT for beginner gardeners! These annuals are very easy to grow from seed and can be grown just about anywhere, even places that are susceptible to drought.
                            • The bright flower petals will liven up any garden, with very little effort! They are also GREAT for planting in hanging baskets or containers.

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